OSP -我们所做的


Finding the right match between funding source and proposed project and thereby significantly minimizing the cognitive dissonance, 是提案过程中的重要步骤吗. The Office of 研究和赞助项目 has a team of highly experienced professionals to assist faculty, 工作人员, and students in the successful identification and negotiation of all pre-award phase of extra-mural funding sources.  Partial listing of some of the pre-award resources is presented below:

  • 前景研究 – to include Publications and Sponsor Announcements – ORSP will request foundation, 政府机构, and corporation guidelines and funding announcement for individualized use by Lincoln University stakeholders.
  • 咨询、技术援助 & 讲习班/研讨会 – ORSP will provide professional development series - inclusive of individualized and group training and learning sessions on best practices in sponsored programs administration.
  • 提案发展/审查/提交- ORSP 工作人员 will assist prospective and current researcher investigators in conversations with Program Officers of various funding agencies in proposal development by clarifying sponsors’ submission procedures and interpreting LU policies related to sponsored activities. Individuals are encouraged to consult with the ORSP 工作人员 at any time during proposal development. Assistance provided at an early stage can help avoid problems that might result in a sponsor’s rejection of a proposal or resolve issues that could delay acceptance of an award. It is particularly important to notify ORSP at an early date when responding to detailed proposal solicitations.

考虑到一些请求的复杂性, it is not possible to anticipate every question that can arise during proposal preparation. However, the ORSP prepares for questions like: What certifications are required? 应如何对分包合同进行预算和谈判? 什么是“校外”?“是否需要机构审查委员会的批准?? 赞助资金是否可用于设施翻新?

Typical ORSP input to the proposal development process includes:

  • 高级提案编辑和起草协助;
  • 预算编制和合理的成本核算;
  • Providing logistical support for items such as space and personnel
  • Assisting the investigator in complying with any relevant special reviews;
  • Coordinating documentation for subcontracts and/or consultants;
  • 准备证书和声明供签署;
  • Coordinating department chair/unit/Center director signature(s)

一旦奖助金被授予,该奖助金必须被管理. ORSP's Post-Award administration ensures successful management of this grant through the following:


ORSP reviews all award terms and conditions; in conjunction with PD /π to fully understand the technical aspects of the project. Award terms relating to cost principles, payment, property, intellectual property, legal issues, etc. are also reviewed by ORSP in concert with other individuals/Offices (e.g.,法律顾问,商务办公室-特殊项目.)

The Office of 研究和赞助项目 provides support and assistance to Project Director (PD)/Principal Investigator (PI) throughout the lifecycle of a grant. 一旦拨款被授予, PD /π, 作为全球十大外围足球平台的代理, 谁负责管理奖助金, and ensuring that award requirements are fulfilled in a timely manner.

在谈判过程中, the ORSP consults with the Project Director (PD)/Principal Investigator (PI), 管理员, 和其他需要的行政办公室. The negotiation process ranges from a few days to several months. 谈判结束后,发出裁决通知.

During the process, it is important to pay attention to some key factors, such as:

  • 提交修订预算
  • 标准合同条款和条件
  • Contractual Obligations and Problematic Terms and Conditions
  • 工业合作
  • 国际活动
  • 保密和保密协议
  • 裁决通知


PD/PIs are required to 提交 performance reports to federal, 状态 and local agencies on the fiscal and performance status of a grant.  比如财务报告, performance reports provide an indication of how PD /π is accomplishing the goals of the award. PD/PIs are expected to monitor the performance of all activities to ensure that time schedules are met, proposed work is completed and other performance goals are achieved. 性能报告应描述以下内容:

  • 总体进展, including results to date and comparison of actual accomplishments with proposed goals for the period
  • 当前的问题,有利的或不寻常的发展
  • 在随后的一段时间内要进行的工作
  • 问题, 延迟, and adverse conditions that will materially affect the PI's ability to meet the project's objectives and time schedules to comply with the approved budget


拨款结束是指联邦政府, 状态, or local agency determines that all applicable administrative action and all required work on the grant have been completed by the grantee. 关闭的三个主要特点如下:

  • Submitting all final performance, financial and other required reports
  • Adjusting 联邦/状态/local share of costs upward or downward, if necessary
  • Settling any cash balances (An unencumbered balance of cash advanced to a grantee must be refunded or be reflected by an appropriate accounting adjustment.  类似的, 如果欠现金, 联邦, 状态, or local agency should make payments for any reimbursable costs.)

When a PD/PI has materially failed to comply with the terms and conditions of a grant, 该机构可以, 经通知受让人, 暂停发放补助金. Suspension can be imposed on all or only a portion of a grant. Suspension is a temporary measure pending either corrective action by the PI or a decision by an agency to terminate the grant.


If a grantee fails to comply with the terms and conditions of a grant or to remedy a situation under suspension, 补助金可随时全部或部分终止.